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The cast & crew of The Four Seasons
L-R: Andrew Whadcoat, Rosalie Evans, Sam Ebner-Landy, Sara Jasmin Page, Robert Gordon Clark, Lisa Day, Jenny Richardson, James Connor
Rehearsal shots of our trial staging of The Four Seasons at the Questors Theatre in Ealing in August 2024
CAST: Spring: Rosalie Evans, Summer: Sam Ebner-Landy, Summer: Lisa Day, Winter: Robert Gordon Clark, Singer/pianist: Sara Jasmin Page
(Photos: Paula Robinson)
In May 2024 Lisa Day was in a sell-out production of The Slaves of Solitude adapted by Simon Roberts from the novel by Patrick Hamilton, at the Questors Theatre Studio in Ealing.
(Photos: Evelina Plonyté)
Photos: Robert Vass
Photographers include Jane Arnold-Forster